Saturday, April 17, 2010




Saturday, March 06, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010


星期六早上,一大早就起床,然后到Asia Jaya集合。为什么要在星期六一大早起床呢?因为要试试看自己亲自种树的滋味。毕竟这一生人,在办公室里一直用纸张,而纸是由大树而来,要回归一下大自然。

我们一伙人大概七点半出发,八点多就到了Raja Muda Peat Forest。我们在路旁停下车,报了名,还要走一段1.5公里的小路才到目的地。一路上风景怡人,这块地是沼泽地带,我们种的树也是红木林树的一种。

同行的朋友有RobinLi,婕如和丽霞。我们和其他的Eco Warrior朋友们一起种树。首先就需要一些工具,例如Boots、手套还有铲子。



Sunday, February 07, 2010






这个星期六,就昨天,我们九点钟在克切拉的会所打包食物。我们把饼干,矿泉水和水果装进袋子里。我认识了一个老外,他是从澳洲雪梨过来的,在马来西亚也有好多年了。他的家人现在在澳洲。他的家人也曾经来马来西亚住,但还是回去了。我告诉他,他爱马来西亚多过他的家人。哈哈。他也笑了。我跟他讲,难道是为了nasi lemak?哈哈。他开玩笑说是云吞面。很可爱的人。


May all beings everywhere
Plagued by sufferings of body and mind
Obtain an ocean of happiness and joy
By virtue of my merits.

May no living creature suffer,
Commit evil or ever fall ill.
May no one be afraid or belittled,
With a mind weighed down by depression.

May the blind see forms,
And the deaf hear sounds.
May those whose bodies are worn with toil
Be restored on finding repose.

May the naked find clothing,
The hungry find food;
May the thirsty find water
And delicious drinks.

May the poor find wealth,
Those weak with sorrow find joy;
May the forlorn find hope,
Constant happiness and prosperity.

May there be timely rains
And bountiful harvests;
May all medicine be effective
And wholesome prayers bear fruit.

May all who are sick and ill
Quickly be freed from their ailments.
Whatever diseases there are in the world,
May they never occur again.

May the frightened cease to be afraid
And those bound be freed;
May the powerless find power
And may people think of benefiting each other.



Wednesday, January 27, 2010





神父不止为人随和,而且处处为人着想。记得又有一次,我们在外面吃饭,同桌的有一位是天主教,Eddy是基督教,而我就是佛教徒。当神父被要求祈祷的时候,他很快地:“In the Jesus name we pray, amen。”就解决了,哇,简直快到离谱。我猜也许是因为我在场,他考量到我不是天主教的关系吧。而且我在教堂的那一段期间,他也从来不曾跟我讲耶稣。他知道我是佛教徒,也不曾排挤或看不起我,而是完全地接受与尊重。而且还包吃包住,请吃请喝,让我有点宾至如归的感觉。当今世上有如此涵养的人,实在是少见。



Sunday, January 10, 2010


Eddy是Mercy Malaysia的全职员工。他曾经是基督教的宣教组人员,到一些发展中国家去做义工,顺便去宣教。就这样他舍弃了自己的工作,后来加入了自愿组织,然后成为了全职的救援员工。







Sunday, January 03, 2010





Thursday, December 10, 2009

The River of Ganges

6am, we left to Ganges river for site seeing. The bus stopped at the junction and we had to walk about 5 minutes to the river bank of the Ganges. The scenery of the sun rise at the river bank was so beautiful. The sun slowly rose up and the ray reflected in the river. The Hindus regarded the water of the Ganges as very holy. They used it for prayers and healing purposes.

We took a small boat and tour around the river. There were people bathing by the river bank. There were people approached our boats to sell souvenirs.

I lighted up a candle for Mr Lim, wish him and his family in peace and happy always. And for all living beings, may you all be well and happy.

There are also Ghats built by the ancient kings. The Ghats are basically a bay for the people to take bath. The kings built Ghats so that they can take bath conveniently in the Ganges.

There is also a cremation centre by the river. We are not allowed to take picture when we approached that place. Indeed death is inevitable to all human.
The Dhammapada quote this
Verse 288: Not sons, nor parents, nor close relatives can protect one assailed by Death; indeed, neither kith nor kin can give protection.

Verse 289: Knowing this, the wise man restrained by morality should quickly clear (the obstacles to) the Path leading to Nibbana.
Some Indian Sadhus...

Friday, December 04, 2009

Day 13

18 Nov 2009 (Varanasi, Sarnath)

6am in the morning, we went to the Ganges river. I will post this one later. Let’s talk about pilgrimage first.

After the breakfast, we went to Sarnath, Isipatana or Deer Park. Firstly, we visited Mulagandha Kuty Vihara where the 5 ascestics met the Buddha. Then we took the 8 precepts here.

Not far away, there is statue where the Buddha preached the first sermon to the five ascetics.

After that, we visited Dharmarajika Stupa where the Buddha preached the first sermon – Dhammacakkapavathana Sutta! Which after this discourse, Venerable Kondanna attained the first fruition.

Then we arrived at the Dhamek Stupa where Buddha preached the second sermon, Anattalakkhana Sutta, hearing which all the 5 Ascetics attained Arahantship. We meditated here for a while and do some walking meditation. I also chanted Dhammacakkapavathana Sutta here. Chanted the Buddha first sermon at this place... Felt so good...

We also visited Mulagandhakuti, where Buddha spent the first rain retreat.

Pancayatana Temple, this site is the place where Buddha preached to the rich man Yasa.

The broken Asokan pillar with the lion capital on top of it.

Next, we visited the Sarnath Archeological Museum. In the museum, enshrines the Asoka Pillar with the Lion Capital on top of it. The four lion’s statues are standing back to back with each other and opening their mouth in a roaring posture. It represented the Buddha’s Dhamma is spreading to the four directions. The teaching of the deathless, for those who have listened, practiced it diligently, shall attain the deathless state of nibanna!

Basically, that’s all about my pilgrimage trip. The next 2 days will be my way back home to Malaysia…

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Day 12

17 Nov 2009 (Bodhgaya)

In the morning, I went to Maha Bodhi Temple to pay my last respect to the Buddha. We are leaving to Sarnath in the afternoon. It was a rainy day. I try to take as many photographs as I want. And I also collected some Bodhi leaves. I have to wait under the rain for the leaves to fall down. There are other who was waiting for the Bodhi leaves as well…

In the afternoon, we departed to Varanasi.